Friday, September 28, 2007

Creating GSM files with SOX

# sox inputfile.wav -r 8000 -c 1 output.gsm resample -ql

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Null Modem for High Availability

Null modem cable pin mapping
This is one very common mapping which will work with software that relies on proper assertion of the CD signal.
Signal Name DB-25 Pin DE-9 Pin
DE-9 Pin DB-25 Pin
FG (Frame Ground) 1 - X - 1 FG
TD (Transmit Data) 2 3 - 2 3 RD
RD (Receive Data) 3 2 - 3 2 TD
RTS (Request To Send) 4 7 - 8 5 CTS
CTS (Clear To Send) 5 8 - 7 4 RTS
SG (Signal Ground) 7 5 - 5 7 SG
DSR (Data Set Ready) 6 6 - 4 20 DTR
CD (Carrier Detect) 8 1 - 4 20 DTR
DTR (Data Terminal Ready) 20 4 - 1 8 CD
DTR (Data Terminal Ready) 20 4 - 6 6 DSR

#Use 1-4 & 4-1 for 9 pin HA null modem.

File Descriptors vs Linux Performance

To increase OS system-wide file descriptors limit

  1. Set both the hard limit and soft limit of file descriptors, to as maximum as possible, to either all (the asterisk in first column) or individual user login account (replace the asterisk in the first column to the user login account)

    • Modify /etc/security/limits.conf by appending or amending these line

    • @root soft nofile 1024
      @root hard nofile 4096
      @root soft nofile 100000
      @root hard nofile 102400

      Refer to the topic of Linux ulimit command

Friday, September 21, 2007

Zimbra: Daily mail report always reports "No messages found"

zmloggerinit is probably not what you wanted to do. In either case you'll most likely need to run it again, but first remove the logger db files.

% su - zimbra
% rm -rf logger/db
% zmloggerinit
That will get you back to a functioning state.
The logger db was either not competely initialized or the database got corrupted somehow (did your disk fill up?). You can reset it with the above commands or try to recover the raw_logs table by logging into the logger db and running repair table raw_logs; You'll need the logger_root_passwd from zmlocalconfig.